Arik Levy designs for Materialise and many, many other companies including Vitra, Vizona, Desalto, Ligne-Roset, Gaia & Gino, Boutet, Sentou, L’Oreal, Serralunga, Baleri Italia, Lanvin, Boucheron, Alon Segev Gallery, Belux, Sector Sport Watches, Designers Carpets, Tai Ping, Baccarat, Galleries Lafayette, Swedese and Softline Allkit.

From his Paris based company L design, Arik develops projects in industrial, interior and graphic design for the European and international market. His unlimited creativity and technical skills have allowed him to work with a variety of subjects and disciplines. He works as both a scientist and a poet. “Innovation, simplicity and experimentation allow him to translate concepts into products, space and experience”, Claimed Materialise and Gaia & Gino about Levy’s work. Levy designed “Black Honey” and “Minishake” for Materialise using Rapid Manufacturing, a technique that I consider very interesting and promising.

I choose to try to emulate Arik Levy because he was one of the first designers approached for this new production method. ID Magazine called Levy a “superstar” in their article Private First Class that dealt with the challenge presented to four designers based around the idea of private. I wanted to be inspired by Levy, not be limited by form, and consider this idea of private in my work. Hollow fabrication has an element of privacy in the fact that it is indeed hollow. What could be inside? Is it for the wearer or the viewer? I played around a lot with positive and negative space and the element of shape. and came up with an original form that cannot be directly identified as anything, but figuratively speaks to the individual. I wanted my form to be free and organic; most examples of hollow fabrication have uniform thickness and harsh angles. I deconstructed this mentality to reveal pure organic form. “If you use a material in new ways, you’re creating a new molecule for the industry, the public, and yourself,” Levy said to Metropolis magazine describing the process behind some of his products. I admire Levy’s mentality, aesthetic and drive. He recognizes how important it is to think ahead, not be afraid of new technologies, or accept limitations.

I think my organic forms push the limitations of hollow fabrication. They speak differently from person to person. The size and scale of my shapes complement the human figure. They look very natural around the neck. I choose to apply surface textures that are pretty opened to interpretation. I feel it is up to the viewer to question what it is, and for the wearer, to know what it means to them.

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